Alan Wolff, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Batavia Website
Alan Wolff, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Batavia Website
City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission met Nov. 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Please NOTE: These minutes are not a word-for-word transcription of the statements made at the meeting, nor intended to be a comprehensive review of all discussions. They are intended to make an official record of the actions taken by the Commission and to include some description of discussion points as understood by the recording secretary. They may not reference some of the individual attendee’s comments, nor the complete comments if referenced.
Chair Bus called the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) meeting to order at 5:02pm.
Members Present: Chair Bus; Vice-Chair Barraza; Commissioners Alderson (arrived at 5:07PM), Connelly and Saam
Members Absent: Commissioner Koc
Also Present: Jeff Albertson, Building Commissioner; Peter Gerardi, Recording Secretary
Al Watts from Preservation Partners updated the Commission on the City of Elgin in regard to the Elgin Watch Factory District; the concern is that property owners are not fixing up properties due to the expense. The summary of the discussion was that de-designating the District was going to be a complicated long-term process and that it would be better to provide more information and/or grants for facades and the like.
5. COA Review: 226 South Batavia Avenue —Siding Replacement (Chris Cosentino, Applicant)
Chris Cosentino of 226 South Batavia Avenue introduced his contractor Ron Hilliard of Responsive Roofing to answer questions. They brought samples of the materials they intend to use on the project. Mr. Cosentino indicated that they also narrowed down their color selection to three (3) colors and gave the Commission an opportunity to guide them on which one to choose. The siding will be horizontal; the boards are 6” wide with a 1” overlap. The current siding material on this significant structure is aluminum which is proposed to be removed. The original cedar siding would remain in place and a composite material would be used to replace it. In regard to the brick work, Mr. Cosentino mentioned brick staining where each individual brick is stained but not painted. The mortar between the bricks is not stained to allow drainage during this process. Mr. Hilliard indicated that fascia, soffit, and gutters/downspouts would also be removed and replaced as part of this project. The brick staining has to wait until the spring, but the other work can be done now. He offered to bring in the staining contractor to answer any questions.
MOTION: To recommend approval of the COA as submitted including the Tundra Gray color with white trim and the staining of the brick
SECOND: Connelly
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Alderson, Barraza, Connelly, Saam, Bus NAY: None
5-0 Vote; motion carried.
6. Election of Officers
Chair Bus indicated that a nominating committee did meet after the last Historic Preservation Commission meeting. The committee was composed of the following Commission members: Robin Barraza, Chair Phil Bus, and Susan Alderson. Chair Bus indicated that he can’t serve again. The consensus of the nominating committee was to nominate Robin Barraza for Chair and Susan Alderson for Vice Chair. There were no other nominations from the floor.
MOTION: To close nominations
SECOND: Connelly
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Alderson, Barraza, Connelly, Saam, Bus NAY: None
5-0 Vote, motion carried.
7. Updates: The gavel was passed to the new chair Barraza who led the remainder of the meeting. There were no updates to other projects.
8. Other Business - Commissioner Bus gave an update of the Amasa White house in Kane County on Fabyan Road. He indicated that the County installed a fence around the house and will weatherize it soon. The County will be encouraged to put a padlock on the fence for added security.
9. Adjournment
There being no other business to discuss, Chair Barraza asked for a motion to adjourn. There was a Voice Vote, and all were in favor. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:31PM.