Chillicothe City Clerk Jill Byrnes | City of Chillicothe
Chillicothe City Clerk Jill Byrnes | City of Chillicothe
City of Chillicothe Finance Committee met May 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The finance committee met on May 8, 2024, at 5:08 p.m., in the council chambers at City Hall. Present: Chairman Vanbruwaene, Alderperson Sharp, Alderperson D. White, Mayor Hughes, Office Manager Passage
Also Present: Alderperson T. White, Alderperson Connor
Chairman Vanbruwaene called the meeting to order 5:08 p.m.
Water Rate Increase - Chairman Vanbruwaene reviewed the information regarding the need for a water rate increase. He explained he has met with the Superintendent of Public Work and gathered the needed information regarding expenses such as: labor & benefits, operational, equipment, infrastructure needs over the next several years. He analyzed the revenue received from the water billing and proposed the rate of .06647 per cubic feet as the new rate. This will eliminate the 9 tier rate tables. He reported that the rate should be good for 3 to 5 years.
Office Manager Passage reported that she ran some testing to compare the current billing to the new proposed billing using the .06647 rate. She reported that not all rate tables have been fully tested. Using said new rate the testing showed that 0 to 78 cubic feet of usage should see a decrease in their water portion of their bill as we will be removing the $5.00 bond charge. 79 cubic feet on up increases. The higher the usage the more significate increase will be seen, such as over 200% increase.
This increase is due to the 9-tier declining rate table. The average usage of approximately 850 cubic feet should see an increase of approximately $37.00. After much discussion, the consensus of the committee was to take to council the recommendation to have the attorney draft the necessary ordinances to amend the city code to remove the $5.00 bond fee and remove the tier water rate system and create a flat rate of .06647 per cubic foot of water.
Council Agenda Item: Refer to Attorney Ordinance Change - Remove Bond Fee and Tiered water rate and create flat rate of .06647 per cubic foot.
Chairperson Action
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m.