
Peoria Standard

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Peoria City Council met May 28

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Peoria City Council | City of Peoria Website

Peoria City Council | City of Peoria Website

City of Peoria City Council met May 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A Regular Meeting of the City Council of Peoria, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 6:00 PM at City Hall, Council Chambers (Room 400), 419 Fulton Street, with Mayor Ali presiding, and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll call showed the following Council Members were present: Allen, Cyr, Gordon—Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11 Absent: None.


Mayor Alirequested a moment of silent prayer or re?ection and then she led the pledge of allegiance.


Mission of Mercy Days

50th Anniversary of Kidder Music Service, Incorporated


Council Member Riggenbach moved to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2024, Joint City Council &Town Board Meeting, as printed; seconded by Council Member Grayeb.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.


(24-146) Communication from the City Manager and Interim Director of Human Resources with a Request to Approve Existing Property and Commercial Auto Insurance Coverages with Liberty Mutual Insurance through Alliant Insurance Services Inc., at a One-Year Cost in an Amount Not to Exceed $480,000.00, Including Fees.

(24-147) Communication from the City Manager and Chief Information Officer with a Request to Approve a One-Year Contract with Hewlett Packard Enterprise Green Lake to Replace the Information System's Data Center Equipment and Provide Off-Site Disaster Recovery, with the Option to Renew for Three Additional One-Year Terms, in the Amount of $218,596.00.

(24-148) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Patrick Engineering for Corridor Identification and Development Step 1, in the Amount of $400,000.00. (All Districts)

(24-149) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following:

A. Approve an Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the City’s Participation in the D4 ITS 2024 Project in Various Counties; and,

B. Approve a Funding Resolution for the City’s Cost Participation in the D4 ITS 2024 Project, in the Amount of $42,336.00, Plus


(24-150) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to Adopt Ordinance No. 18,176 Approving the Rezoning of Certain Property from a Class R-6 (Multi-Family Residential) District to a Class 0-1 (General Commercial) District for the Property Located at 2900 W Lake Avenue (Parcel Identification No. 14-30- 101-006), Peoria, IL. (Council District 4)

(24-151) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to Adopt an Ordinance Approving a Special Use in a Class R-4 (Single-Family Residential) District, for a Short-Term Rental for the Property Located 308 E. Odell Place (Parcel Identification No. 14-28-456-006), Peoria, IL. (Council District 3)

(24-013) Communication from the City Manager, Corporation Counsel, and Director of Public Works with a Request to Adopt Ordinance No. 18,177 Establishing the W. Lamont Avenue Special Service Area. (Council District 2)

(24-152) Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve the Site Application for a Class K (Rental Hall) Liquor License, with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol for The Coventry Room, LLC, d/b/a Coventry Room, at 6001 N. Knoxville, Suite 100, with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Approve. (Council District 3)

Mayor Aliquestioned ifthe Council wished to have any of the Consent Agenda items removed for further discussion.

Council Member Riggenbach requested Item No. 24-151 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.

Council Member Jackson requested Item No. 24-149 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.

Council Member Cyr moved to approve the Consent Agenda items as outlined in the Council Communications; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Item Nos. 24-013, 24-146 through 24-152 (excluding Item Nos. 24449 and 24-151, which were removed for further discussion) were approved by roll call vote under the Omnibus Vote Designation.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

(24-149) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a * Request for the Following:

A. Approve an Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the City’s Participation in the D4 ITS 2024 Project in Various Counties; and,

B. Approve a Funding Resolution for the City’s Cost Participation in the D4 ITS 2024 Project, in the Amount of $42,336.00, Plus Contingencies.

In response to an inquiry from Council Member Jackson regarding the intersection of Howett Street and Western Avenue, Public Works Director Rick Powers said this was an annual IDOT program and the noted intersection was not included in the 2024 plan, stating he would contact them to find out when it would be scheduled.

After she said she looked forward to the response from IDOT, Council Member Jackson moved to approve an Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the City’s participation in the D4 ITS 2024 Project in various counties; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Council Member Kelly asked for an update regarding the request to IllinoisState Legislators to permit red-light and speed cameras in Peoria County, and he asked ifthe upgrades would allow for camera technology. City Manager Urich said the City had no legislative authority to install this type of equipment, noting it was only allowed in Cook County and no other County in Illinois. Director Powers said ifthe technology were eventually authorized, itwould require a sizable investment for implementation.

Motion to approve an Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the City’s participation in the D4 ITS 2024 Project in various counties was approved by rollcall vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

Council Member Jackson moved to approve a Funding Resolution for the City’s cost participation in the D4 ITS 2024 Project, in the amount of $42,336.00, plus contingencies; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Resolution No. 24-149—Bwas approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

(24-151) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community ** Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to Adopt an Ordinance Approving a Special Use in a Class R-4 (Single-Family Residential) District, for a Short-Term Rental for the Property Located 308 E. Odell Place (Parcel Identification No. 14-28-456-006), Peoria, IL. (Council District 3)

Council Member Riggenbach said he recently expressed concern regardingsome Short-Term Rental applications, but he indicated he was in favor of the Special Use for the property at 308 E. Odell Place with the stipulation to prohibit on-street parking.

At the conclusion of his comments, Council Member Riggenbach moved to amend the Ordinance to include “to prohibit parking on the street" seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Amendment approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

Council Member Riggenbach moved to adopt an Ordinance approving a Special Use in a Class R-4 (Single-Family Residential) District, for a Short-Term Rental for the property located at 308 E. Odell Place, Peoria, Illinois, as amended; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Ordinance No. 18,178 was adopted, as amended, by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.


(24-153) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to Approve a Resolution for the Preliminary Plat of Grey Oak Subdivision for the Property Identified as Parcel Identification Nos. 09-19-400-005 and 09-20-151-003, in a Class R-3 (Single Family Residential) District, Generally Located West of Knoxville Avenue, East of Allen Road, North of Hickory Grove Road, and South of Cedar Hills Drive. (Council District 5)

Assistant Director of Community Development Leah Allison said the plat for the 86—acreGrey Oak Subdivision was proposed for a single-family residential development of 115 lots with access from KnoxvilleAvenue. She said ifthe Council reviewed and approved the preliminary plat for the totality of the development, the developer would proceed to detail the plat and present final plans for each development phase to City Staff for administrative review and approval. She said once the final plans were approved and recorded, the development could proceed.

Council Member Cyr thanked Staff for their efforts on the project, and he thanked constituents for their involvement and input as well.

At the conclusion of his comments, Council Member Cyr moved to amend the Resolution for the Preliminary Plat of Grey Oak Subdivision to add, “with a waiver to allow two cul-de-sacs greater than 400-feet in length, one vehicle access as currently designed from Knoxville Avenue into the subdivision, Phase 1 to include three detention basins controlling the 500-year storm, and additional phases of development shall have sufficient basins to control the 500-year storm;” seconded by Council Member Oyler.

Amendment approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

Council Member Cyr moved to approve a Resolution for the Preliminary Plat of Grey Oak Subdivision for the property identified as parcel identification nos. 09-19-400—005and 09-20- 151-003, in a Class R-3 (Single-Family Residential) District, generally located west of Knoxville Avenue, east of Allen Road, north of Hickory Grove Road, and south of Cedar Hills Drive, as amended; seconded by Council Member Oyler.

Resolution No. 24-153 was approved, as amended, by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11,

Nays: None.

UNFINISHEDBUSINESS Including but Not Limited to Motions to Reconsider Items if An from the Previous Regular Meeting

(24-100) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Accept a Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the FY2023 Economic Development Initiative, Community Project Funding Grant (CPF), in the Amount of $2,000,000.00, for Sidewalks in 61605.

City Manager Urich said amendments to the sidewalks plan were made after the 30-day deferral to include additional locations as requested by Council Member Jackson.

Council Member Jackson thanked Staff for due diligence on the project, noting it had been in the works for two years when Representative Cheri Bustos earmarked funds to address sidewalks in 61605. She highlighted the need all over the City of Peoria regarding sidewalks.

At the conclusion of her comments, Council Member Jackson moved to accept a grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the FY2023 Economic Development Initiative, Community Project Funding Grant (CPF), in the amount of $2,000,000.00, for sidewalks in 61605; seconded by Council Member Gordon—Young.

After he said he was in favor of the motion, Council Member Kellyasked ifsidewalks would be installed in areas currently without sidewalks. City Manager Urich said some new sidewalks would be installed as part of the project to fillgaps, improve pedestrian traf?c safety around schools, and address concerns at specific intersections, resolving American Disabilities Act compatibility, noting a map was included in the packet identifying the locations.

Motion to accept a grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the FY2023 Economic Development Initiative, Community Project Funding Grant (CPF), in the amount of $2,000,000.00, for sidewalks in 61605 was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.

Cit Treasurer Resignation Update

Mayor Ali provided an update on the City Treasurer resignation and vacancy. She explained the process of accepting applications to fill the interim vacancy, noting a submission deadline of Sunday, June 16, 2024. She reviewed applicant qualifications and the office's role, stating the term for the interim position expired in May 2025 after the consolidated election. She said she was interested in appointing an applicant not interested in running for the next term to avoid providing an unfair advantage during the election. She encouraged qualified citizens to go to the City's website for more information and to apply. After Council Member Kelly asked about reviewing the applications, Mayor Alisaid the submissions would be forwarded to the Council for review before consideration for approval of appointing an applicant.


Spring Street Walk-Audit

Council Member Riggenbach said on Tuesday, May 29, 2024, from 3:30 to 5:30 P.M., the Public Works Department was conducting a walk-audit on Spring Street in preparation for reconstruction from Glen Oak to Adams Street, and he invited residents and stakeholders to attend. He described the beneficial experience of the walk—audit for the Wisconsin Avenue Project, and he encouraged attendance at the starting point of the Glendale and Spring Street intersection.

Moss Avenue Sale

Council Member Grayeb said the 43rdAnnual Moss Avenue Sale was scheduled for Saturday, June 8, 2024, and he highlighted the types of items for sale as well as the fun events and live music that would be provided.

Combined Sewer Overflow Project Notifications

Council Member Jackson asked for businesses impacted by scheduled combined sewer over?ow project work to be notified before construction to mitigate disruption to vital services and business activities.

Block Part and Unauthorized Motor Vehicle Ordinance Review

Council Member Jackson said multiple Ordinances needed to be reviewed and updated. She thanked Corporation Counsel Hayes for his initial efforts and informed the Council of possible amendments to be presented at subsequent meetings. She said that based on recent events, block party regulations, and policies addressing ATVs, golf carts, and motorbikes on residential streets. She said inaction would lead to increased problems, stating residents had a right to live in a safe and secure community

Memorial Day Ceremony

Council Member Kelly recognized Council Member Grayeb and Strategic Communications Manager Stacy Peterson for organizing the memorable Memorial Day Observance on Monday, May 27, 2024. He highlighted the great speakers, music by the Municipal Band, and recognition of those who sacrificed for this country. He said the event was greatly attended and displayed some of the best attributes of Peoria.


Mayor Ali granted the privilege of the floor to citizens wishing to address the Peoria City Council or Town Board.

Jeff Fick, a concerned citizen, expressed concern regarding the preliminary plat for the Grey Oak Subdivision stormwater plans directing water towards the properties in Augusta Estates. *He reviewed discussions with the developer and City Staff regarding regulations, laws, and strategies for stormwater irrigation and retention, and he asked what happened if the proposed plan failed or there was excessive rain. He asked the developer to retain the water on the Grey Oaks Subdivision property and asked the Council to consider the concerns raised.

Todd Baker, president of the Augusta Estates Neighborhood Association, expressed concern that the proposed new subdivision was at a higher elevation than Augusta Estates, and he provided a signed petition from seventeen residents citing their concerns. He asked the Council to hold the final plat approval with the intent of not causing harm to surrounding neighborhoods through proper storm drainage.

Mick Hall, a concerned citizen, said he lived in the Glenwood Subdivision on the south boundary of the proposed Grey Oaks Subdivision, noting the request to extend a street in their neighborhood as a secondary entrance to the new subdivision was onerous on existing infrastructure and established plans. He asked the Council to consider the burdens and concerns raised as the 5thDistrict continues to grow.

Ga Blood, a concerned citizen, expressed concerns regarding the proposed secondary access road through an existing subdivision, and he asked the Council to use common sense when making decisions on the final plats and to consider how increased traffic would impact the existing neighborhood.

Willard Gombert, a concerned citizen, said he was thankful the preliminary plat did not include the secondary access through the existing neighborhood, and he asked for it to be stricken from the plan for good. He said he liked the safety of his small community, noting that a through street would compromise it.

Miroslaw Kolesiak, a concerned citizen, acknowledged the issues raised that evening, especially regarding stormwater and sewage. He said he was concerned with additional burdens on existing infrastructure. He asked for a study to determine if the existing infrastructure would carry the burden. He also highlighted concerns regarding the secondary access road with the increased traffic and asked the Council to consider the big picture when making decisions on the Grey Oak Subdivision.

Ben Miller, a concerned citizen, thanked Council Member Cyr for addressing some of the concerns through the amendment to the Resolution approving the preliminary plat. He reviewed the project's impact on existing neighborhoods and the close family atmosphere he wished to maintain. He noted safety concerns related to increased traffic if the secondary access road was added, and he asked that the final plat exclude that access road.

Darc Cad , a concerned citizen, said she wanted to speak on the plight of the Palestinians, and she asked the Council to vote on a ceasefire resolution. She stated why the ceasefire resolution was necessary to send a message. She said citizens should have input on how tax dollars were spent, and she summarized the conflict in the region, the conditions of citizens, and other recent events. She asked the Council to answer the call of community members by speaking against the conflict funded through American tax dollars with the power of a ceasefire resolution.


Consideration of a Motion for the City Council to enter into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act to discuss 5 ILCS 120I2(c)(5) to discuss the purchase of real property for the use of the public body, including discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired; and 2(c)(21) discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.

Council Member Cyr moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act to discuss 2(c)(5) to discuss the purchase of real property for the use of the public body, including discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired; and pursuant 2(c)(21) discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali — 11;

Nays: None.


Council Member Cyr moved to adjourn the May 28, 2024, City Council Meeting; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor A|i 11;

Nays: None. The May 28, 2024, City Council Meeting adjourned at 7:14 PM.




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