Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Yard waste collection for the 2024 season in Peoria will conclude next week, with the final pickup scheduled for Friday, December 13. This marks the last opportunity for residents to have their yard waste collected curbside until March 2025.
The types of yard waste eligible for collection include grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs, and brush. Limbs and sticks should be bundled using nonmetallic cord like twine. Each bundle must be under five feet in length and weigh less than 50 pounds.
Residents are advised to use personal containers for unbundled materials as yard waste can damage city-provided carts. The City of Peoria recommends reserving its carts solely for recycling and garbage to extend their lifespan.
Acceptable containers include plastic or metal garbage cans ranging from 40 to 45 gallons with two handles and a tight-fitting lid. Wheeled carts sized at either 65 or 95 gallons are also permissible. It is important that these cans or carts are labeled with “Yard Waste Only” stickers, which can be obtained from City Hall, Public Works, or any GFL Environmental location.
Further details on yard waste collection are available through city resources.