Jeff Jenkins, Ward 1 Alderperson - Mayor Pro Tem | City of Chillicothe
Jeff Jenkins, Ward 1 Alderperson - Mayor Pro Tem | City of Chillicothe
City of Chillicothe Public Works Committee met Dec. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The public works committee met on December 4, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the council chambers at city hall. Office Manager Passage announced that Alderperson Semtner per section 2-78 of the city code has requested to attend via electronic participation for a meeting via telephone.
Present In Person: Chairman Sharp, Alderperson Bredeman
Present Via Telephone: Alderperson Semtner
Also present In Person: Mayor Hughes, Superintendent Sutherland, Office Manager Passage, Engineer Horton
Chairman Sharp called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m.
Public Comment
No public was present
High Usage Waivers
Office Manager Passage stated no high usage waiver requests were received.
Lien Report
Nothing to report
PPUATS Grant - Cloverdale - Engineering Agreement
Engineer Horton advised the committee that he has the engineering agreement for the PPUATS Grant for Cloverdale Road Improvement and the estimated cost is $59,900.00. He stated that the grant award was for $520,400.00 of which the state would pay 80% $416,320.00 and the city would be responsible for 20% $104,080.00. The project will run through a state bid letting, which would be in June 2025. Engineer Horton recommended that the engineering agreement be present to council for approval. The consensus of the committee was to present the engineering agreement to council Dec. 9 for approval.
Benedict Bridge Bearing Replacement
Engineer Horton advised the committee that he has received the invoice from Stark Excavating, Inc. for the repair of the Benedict Bridge. The total of the invoice is $75,520.00 payable from the Road & Bridge Fund. He advised all of the repairs have been made and recommended that the invoice be submitted to the council at the December 9 meeting. The consensus of the committee was to present the invoice for approval.
Review - Agreement for Professional Services - Engineering
Office Manager Passage advised that Attorney Day has been working with Fehr Grahams attorney regarding the agreement. The last correspondence from Attorney Day confirmed a mutual understanding regarding the language of the agreement and the appointed nature of the City Engineer position. Under the city code and agreement terms the agreement will remain in place until another appointment is made by a mayor, the parties enter into a subsequent, superseding agreement, or the agreement is terminated per the terms. He also stated that assuming the public works committee and Mayor Hughes agree, the agreement could be placed on the December 9th Council meeting. Office Manager Passage stated that each member has a copy of the draft of the Engineering Agreement.
Office Manager Passage proposed the following questions regarding the agreement:
1. How does signing this mid fiscal year affect the city going forward?
2. The proposal states 2024-2025 is this our fiscal year? it references annual which is not defined.
3. It states in the agreement, attached are the 2025 Charge out Rates - are these different from 2024 rates?
4. Since the city is on a fiscal year and I believe the rates proposed are calendar year what can the city anticipate for a rate for Jan - April 2026?
5. Is there a reason why we need to enter into this agreement mid-year and not wait until May, 2025?
6. I would recommend that point #10 be stricken or at least discussed and changed. She noted that Attorney Day has proposed some language for this.
7. Explain the range of fees for each category of engineer.
Office Manager Passage stated that she has sent the above questions to our Attorney, Mick Gronewold, Fehr Graham and David Horton.
Chairman Sharp agreed with the above concerns. Alderperson Semtner ask if the council has a vote on who the engineering firm would be and if there is any kind of performance review done. Mayor Hughes advised that he appoints the engineering firm with the consent of the council and believes Engineer Horton is doing a good job. Superintendent Sutherland stated that he also believes they have done a great job and feels it would be problematic if the city changes engineering firms every year. After discussion, the consensus of the committee was to have Mick Gronewold and Attorney Day attend a public works meeting to discuss before a decision is made.
Project Update
Engineer Horton reported that he is working with ED Director Beadles regarding the Bradley Street Drainage Project to obtain DCEO approval before the project can proceed, since grant funds will be used.
He advised the committee that he attended the FEMA meeting in Peoria and it was well attended by Chillicothe residents.
Mayor Hughes stated that he has contacted State representative LaHood regarding potential grants.
Review Draft Policy - Contracts/Agreements requiring Legal Review -
nothing to report
Railroad Crossings - Closures
Nothing to Report
Proposal - Willis Electric - Light Pole/Electric Feed
Superintendent Sutherland stated that he will place this in the 25-26 Budget as a project and it may be removed from future agendas.
Council Agenda Items - Approve Payment Stark Excavating - Benedict Bridge
Approve Engineering Agreement - PPUATS Grant - Cloverdale
Chairperson Action - Nothing
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:18 p.m.