James C. Dillon, Chairperson District 5 | Peoria County Website
James C. Dillon, Chairperson District 5 | Peoria County Website
Peoria County Board - County Operations Committee met Dec. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Members: Jennifer Groves Allison, Eden Blair, Brandy Bryant, Camille Coates, Brian Elsasser, Danny Phelan, Rob Reneau, Steve Rieker, Sharon Williams
Staff & Guests:
Scott Sorrel, Shauna Musselman, Jennie Cordis Boswell, Andre Allen, Betty Duncan, Julie Kusturin, Angela Loftus, Heather McCord, Megan Bentley
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rieker at 1:33 p.m.
A motion to approve the minutes of August 8, 2024, and October 29, 2024, was made by Member Coates and was seconded by Member Reneau.
A. Workforce Report
Mr. Sorrel directed the committee to the Workforce Dashboard report. He advised there are offices that always have positions posted. Mr. Sorrel stood for questions; there were none.
B. Vacancy Report
Mr. Sorrel directed to the committee to page 14 in packet. Mr. Sorrel stood for questions.
Member Phelan asked if there is currently a way to report on vacant positions that could be funded positions.
Ms. Loftus advised there is no easy way to track that data; these are all funded vacancies from the budget book, the funding is available whether it is a grant or some other funding mechanism.
Member Phelan stated we should look at grant funded positions that are vacant and make an effort to fill those.
Member Rieker stated he is open to looking at the concept.
Member Phelan commented that there would be a benefit to focusing on grant funded positions and could essentially save money from the General Fund.
Mr. Sorrel advised if the department that receives the grant funding is a General Fund department, then yes it would save money.
Member Blair asked if a grant funded position and is not filled, can that grant money be used for other things.
Mr. Sorrel advised it is unique to each grant.
Member Williams asked if a position is grant funded, would overtime be covered.
Mr. Sorrel advised this will vary based on the grant agreements.
Member Groves Allison stated a report could be a starting point showing how many grant funded positions we have, then we could look at how we budget for those in the future.
Member Rieker asked Ms. Loftus how challenging it would be to identify grant funded positions that have been approved and the grant funded positions are vacant.
Ms. Loftus advised there is no way, currently, to report on which positions are grant funded.
Member Bryant entered the meeting at 1:43 p.m.
Mr. Sorrel suggested working with one or two committee members to put this data together.
Member Rieker asked if Member Phelan and Member Groves Allison would be willing to assist.
Member Coates asked about the rationale behind not separating them out and why it has not been done previously.
Member Phelan stated he would be willing to work on this and bring it to the committee floor again.
A. Approval of the 2025 Risk Management Excess Insurance
A motion to approve the resolution was made by Member Blair and was seconded by Member Groves Allison.
Ms. Loftus advised quotes came back overall well within the range/trend for the excess insurance. The reason for the increase in 2025 is that the Health and Human Services building is included. There is also an increase for our cyber liability due to enhanced cyber security features, we are now eligible for $3,000,000.00 of coverage.
Chairperson Rieker called for questions from the committee; there were none.
Motion carried (9-0)
Chairperson Rieker called for public comment. There were none.
Chairperson Rieker called for miscellaneous comments. Chairperson Rieker requested Ms. Musselman provide an update for the health insurance enrollment.
Ms. Musselman advised we had 650 employees that needed to get into the system and enroll in coverage or waive coverage. Of those currently on the plan, we only had two to follow up with to try to get them enrolled. Ms. Loftus and her team worked with the elected officials and department heads to ensure they were notifying their teams to get enrolled. For those who needed to waive coverage, we had ten to follow up with. Ms. Musselman stood for questions.
The meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Rieker at 1:52 p.m.