City of El Paso Mayor JW Price | City of El Paso
City of El Paso Mayor JW Price | City of El Paso
City of El Paso City Council met Mar. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Roll Call:
JW Price Mayor
Thad Mool Ward I
Will Moore Ward I
Alex Brucker Ward II
Mary Ellen Kilpatrick Ward II
Ronald Howard Ward III
Joshua Ragusa Ward III
4. Approval of Agenda:
5. Consent Agenda:
A. Consideration and approval of the minutes for February 17th, 2025, City Council Meeting.
B. Consideration and approval of the minutes for February 17th, 2025, Parks and Recreation Meeting
C. Consideration and approval of the Register of Bills from February 18th, 2025, to March 3rd, 2025.
6. Public Comments:
7. Old City Council Business:
8. New City Council Business:
9. Director of Public Service Report: 10. Mayors Report:
11. City Council Comments:
12. Staff Reports:
A. Police Chief
B. City Attorney
C. City Clerk
13. Adjourn