Commissioner Seth Mingus, Public Health and Safety | City of East Peoria
Commissioner Seth Mingus, Public Health and Safety | City of East Peoria
City of East Peoria Zoning Board of Appeals met Mar. 10.
Here is the agenda provide by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call:
Gina Driscoll
John Broshears
Michael Bruner Tim Kelly
Troy Sams Don Tippet
George Whitman
3. Approval of Minutes from the meeting held on February 10, 2025.
4. Public Hearings:
a. Case SU-2025-002 Petition of Doug Perdue for a Special Use to allow a vehicle repair shop on property located at 3210 E. Washington St., 01-01-25-304-001.
b. Case R-2025-002 Petition Scott Deakin of Prairie Farms to rezone approximately 4.19 acres of property located along Pinecrest Drive, a portion of 05-05-10-306-003, from R-4, Multiple-Family Dwelling District to M-1, Manufacturing District, Limited.
5. Regular Business:
a. Deliberations:
b. Old Business:
c. New Business:
6. Citizens' Opportunity to Address ZBA on non-agenda items.
7. Adjournment