Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Public Works crews are currently engaged in clearing downed trees and branches obstructing roads, sidewalks, and alleys in the city. The damage is generally minor; however, some streets and sidewalks remain blocked by fallen trees and limbs.
The Public Works department urges residents to be cautious around downed trees and limbs on roadways and encourages reporting these obstructions for removal. To report a downed tree or limb blocking a street, alley, or sidewalk, residents can contact Public Works via phone at 309-494-8800 or email at
Additionally, Peoria Cares offers several options for reporting: by phone at 309-494-2273 (available Mondays through Fridays from 8 am to 6 pm, Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm), through the Peoria Cares App, or by using the Peoria Cares Website Map.
Yard waste collection will resume on Monday, March 17. Residents are reminded that storm debris should be bundled with a nonmetallic cord, not exceed five feet in length or weigh more than 50 pounds, and be placed at the curb on their usual GFL collection day.
For unbundled materials, residents should use their own containers—plastic or metal garbage cans between 40 and 45 gallons with two handles and a tight-fitting lid are acceptable. Wheeled carts of either 65 or 95 gallons are also permitted. Containers should be labeled with “Yard Waste Only” stickers available at City Hall, Public Works, or any GFL location.
Yard waste collection will continue through Friday, December 12.