State Representative Ryan Spain (il) | Representative Ryan Spain (R) 73rd District Deputy Republican Leader
State Representative Ryan Spain (il) | Representative Ryan Spain (R) 73rd District Deputy Republican Leader
State Representative Ryan Spain, alongside Illinois House Minority Leader Tony McCombie and State Representative Dan Ugaste, held a press conference at the Capitol to discuss a lawsuit filed by Leader McCombie. The lawsuit challenges the legislative maps created by Democrats, which are claimed to be gerrymandered.
Representative Spain criticized the Illinois Attorney General for not taking a stance on their lawsuit before the Illinois Supreme Court. He stated, "In an unprecedented move, the Illinois Attorney General has declined to take a position on our lawsuit before the IL Supreme Court to bring fair legislative maps and representation to Illinois."
Spain also highlighted that Speaker Welch has hired Mike Kasper to defend these maps. Spain remarked, "Instead, Speaker Welch has come forward and hired Mike Madigan’s favorite henchman, Mike Kasper, to defend his overtly partisan gerrymandered legislative maps. The same Mike Kasper who in 2016 was called Democrats’ chief weapon against redistricting reform."
He concluded with a call for change: “It is time to end Democrat insiders conspiring with one another to disenfranchise the people of Illinois!”
The public can find more information about the lawsuit through provided links.