Commissioner Dan Decker, Streets and Public Improvements | City of East Peoria
Commissioner Dan Decker, Streets and Public Improvements | City of East Peoria
City of East Peoria City Council met Feb. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of East Peoria, Illinois was called to order by his Honor Mayor John P. Kahl presiding at 6:00 P.M. with proper notice having been given.
Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor John P. Kahl, Commissioner Mark E. Hill, Commissioner Seth D. Mingus, and Commissioner Michael L. Sutherland.
Absent: Commissioner Daniel S. Decker.
The invocation was given by Commissioner Hill.
Mayor Kahl led the Council and the audience in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PUBLIC HEARING:
Motion by Commissioner Mingus, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move that the City Council recess the Regular Meeting to hold a public hearing.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and the Regular Meeting recessed to hold a public hearing at 6:02 P.M.
Those present were the following: Mayor John P. Kahl, Commissioner Mark E. Hill, Commissioner Seth D. Mingus, and Commissioner Michael L. Sutherland.
Absent: None.
Mayor Kahl called the Public Hearing to order with proper notice having been given. Mayor Kahl explained the purpose of the public hearing is to receive comments on the proposed pre-annexation agreement between the City of East Peoria and UNDERHAM LLC (Part of PIN 05-05-02-302-016; 2518 Bloomington Road, East Peoria). He turned the discussion over to Director of Planning and Community Development, Ty Livingston. Director Livingston explained that the agreement contemplates that should the City grow out to this property within the next 20 years, then it will be annexed into the City. At this point, the property is a substantial distance from the city limits or available water and sewer services. As such, this approach makes sense from a future growth perspective. He explained that this is a procedural step for public input for the proposed pre-annexation agreement.
Mayor Kahl asked for any comments from the audience regarding the proposed pre-annexation agreement.
Richard Morris, who lives near this property at 2702 Bloomington Rd, that is a part of the proposed pre annexation agreement. He explained that he is part of the homeowner’s association for eight properties in this area and many of the properties are on a well for water. He explained that there may be houses to the East that may want to annex to alleviate some potential future issues with water.
Mayor Kahl asked for any other comments from the audience. There was no response. Mayor Kahl asked for any comments from the City Council.
Commissioner Sutherland explained that he is all for bringing in water if possible. Mayor Kahl asked for any other comments from the City Council. There was no response.
Motion by Commissioner Mingus, seconded by Commissioner Hill; Mr. Mayor, I move to adjourn the Public Hearing and reconvene the Regular Meeting.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and the Regular Meeting reconvened at 6:05 P.M.
Those present were the following: Mayor John P. Kahl, Commissioner Mark E. Hill, Commissioner Seth D. Mingus, and Commissioner Michael L. Sutherland.
Absent: None.
Motion by Commissioner Mingus, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move that the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 4, 2025, the minutes of the Public Hearing held on February 4, 2025, and the minutes of the Special Meeting for a Working Session held on February 11, 2025 be approved as printed.
Yeas: Commissioner Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Mayor Kahl stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items on the agenda to come to the podium and state the matter or matters to be discussed. There was no response.
Mayor Kahl asked if any Commissioner wished to remove any items from the Consent Agenda for discussion. There was no response.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; Mr. Mayor, I move to adopt a consent agenda consisting of items numbered 1 through 6 as listed on the agenda for this meeting to be considered by omnibus vote.
Item Number 1 - Adoption of Resolution Number 2425-117 - Resolution to Approve Payment of the Schedule of Bills Listed on Schedule Number 19 in the amount of $639,878.54.
Item Number 2 - Adoption of Resolution Number 2425-108 on its Second Reading - Resolution Approving Extension of Software Licensing Agreement for the City’s Geographical Information System (GIS System) with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (“ESRI”).
Item Number 3 - Adoption of Resolution Number 2425-106 on its Second Reading - Resolution Accepting and Approving the Proposal from Heart Technologies, Inc. for the City Wireless Infrastructure Upgrade Project.
Item Number 4 - Adoption of Ordinance Number 4837 on its Second Reading - (AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ELECTRONIC SWEEPSTAKES MACHINES IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA.)
Item Number 5 - Adoption of Resolution Number 2425-104 on its Second Reading - Resolution Accepting and Approving the Proposal from Municipal Well and Pump for the Well Number 1 and 3 Rehabilitation Project
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Items numbered 1 through 6 listed on the Consent Agenda be hereby approved and adopted, the items numbered 2 through 6 having been read once by their title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection be adopted as presented.
Item Number 1 - Adoption of Resolution Number 2425-117 - Resolution to Approve Payment of the Schedule of Bills Listed on Schedule Number 19 in the amount of $639,878.54. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item Number 2 - Adoption of Resolution Number 2425-108 on its Second Reading - Resolution Approving Extension of Software Licensing Agreement for the City’s Geographical Information System (GIS System) with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (“ESRI”). (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item Number 3 - Adoption of Resolution Number 2425-106 on its Second Reading - Resolution Accepting and Approving the Proposal from Heart Technologies, Inc. for the City Wireless Infrastructure Upgrade Project. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item Number 4 - Adoption of Ordinance Number 4837 on its Second Reading - (AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ELECTRONIC SWEEPSTAKES MACHINES IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA.) (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item Number 5 - Adoption of Resolution Number 2425-104 on its Second Reading - Resolution Accepting and Approving the Proposal from Municipal Well and Pump for the Well Number 1 and 3 Rehabilitation Project. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item Number 6 - Adoption of Ordinance Number 4835 on its Second Reading - (AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A RECONNECTION FEE FOR WATER USERS WITH DISCONTINUED WATER SERVICE DUE TO NON-PAYMENT OF WATER BILL.) (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and the items adopted by omnibus vote designation.
Resolution No. 2425-107 by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 2425-107 hereto attached, a Resolution Abating and Eliminating Various 2024 Tax Levies for Water and Sewer Bond Issues, Tax Increment Financing Bond Issues, and Development Bond Issues, be hereby approved. Mr. Mayor, I move you that this Resolution No. 2425-107 having been read once by its title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented.
Commissioner Hill explained that bond issues are backed by tax levies to get the best bond rates. Once the city determines that it has sufficient revenue, the city abates the bond issues from the tax levies for the year.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 2425-107 be duly adopted as presented.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4836, hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE PARTIALLY ABATING THE 2024 TAX LEVY IN THE AMOUNT OF THE RECAPTURE REVENUE FROM THE ADJUSTMENTS FOR CERTIFICATES OF ERROR, CERTAIN COURT ORDERS, OR FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS OF THE PROPERTY TAX APPEAL BOARD) having been read once by its title and having been laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented.
Commissioner Hill explained that back in August 2021, the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (“PTELL”) was amended to include a new statutory provision that automatically imposes an additional property tax levy for all taxing bodies in a county subject to PTELL. This automatic property tax levy is meant to recover (“recapture”) property taxes that are lost by these PTELL taxing bodies due to EAV reductions resulting from decisions of the State’s Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB), court decisions, or certificates of error issued by the County. The recovery of these lost property taxes is referred to as “recapturing” this property tax revenue – or “revenue recapture”. With Tazewell County adopting PTELL back in 1998, the City is a taxing body covered by this recently adopted provision, and as a result, automatically receives this additional property tax levy as part of the City’s 2024 property tax extension for the tax bills that will be sent out in May 2025. Although this property tax revenue recapture is automatically imposed, the City can abate this additional revenue recapture tax levy so that it is not added to the City’s property tax levy. City Officials have determined that this 2024 revenue recapture tax levy should be abated, thereby allowing the City’s overall property tax rate to remain unchanged from prior years. Accordingly, this Ordinance provides for this abatement of the 2024 revenue recapture tax levy.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4836 be adopted as presented.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4845 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA AND UNDERHAM LLC FOR THE OLD BLOOMINGTON ROAD SUBDIVISION PROPERTY) be read at length by the Clerk, and that said Ordinance No. 4845 be accepted on its first reading, and be hereby adopted as presented.
The city clerk read the ordinance at length. Commissioner Hill explained the pre-annexation agreement. The agreement here is a complement to the next agenda item (Ordinance Number 4846) that deals with a final plat for this property. It contemplates that should the City grow out to this property within the next 20 years, then it would be annexed into the City. At this point, the property is a substantial distance from the city limits or available water and sewer services. As such, this approach makes sense from a future growth perspective.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4845 to be duly adopted as presented.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4846 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT FOR THE OLD BLOOMINGTON ROAD SUBDIVISION) be read at length by the Clerk, and that said Ordinance No. 4846 be accepted on its first reading, and be hereby adopted as presented.
The City Clerk read the ordinance at length. Commissioner Hill commented on the location of the subdivision. The petitioner here is requesting a subdivision of property greater than 4 lots, outside of the City limits along Bloomington Road. On the public-facing GIS, the property is shown as a part of 2518 Bloomington Road, for reference. At their October meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended the preliminary plat of this subdivision be approved. Since there are no substantive changes from the preliminary to the final plat, no further action was taken by the Commission. This petition does not come with a request to annex, but the subject property is 1,000 feet from the closest parcel in the City and almost 2,400 feet from the nearest water main on Bloomington Road. As such, the prior item, a pre annexation agreement was prepared and signed by the petitioner. If the final plat is approved, the subdivision will remain in the county and be subject to their development requirements.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4846 to be duly adopted as presented.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4844 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE FOR CHILD DAYCARE CENTER ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 90 EASTGATE DRIVE IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Hill commented on the location of the proposed special use that will be used as a child daycare center. The petitioner here is requesting a Special Use to allow a day care at this location. A former office use, the petitioner intends to add exit doors to all of the rooms that are intended to be classrooms. At their One Stop meeting, the owners talked about future expansion plans for the building as it lacks a larger indoor space. They also plan to add a playground outdoors. At their meeting, the ZBA voted 5-0 to support the petition with the condition that all life safety issues are addressed to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4839 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING R-5 ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR SENIOR LIVING FACILITIES IN THE ZONING CODE FOR THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA) be read at length by the Clerk, and that said Ordinance No. 4839 be accepted on its first reading, and be hereby adopted as presented.
The City Clerk read the ordinance at length. Director Livingston explained that the proposal here is to create a new zoning classification to preserve and encourage more senior living facility development. During our current comprehensive planning effort, a variety of senior housing options continues to be identified as one of the most desired development types. This makes sense given the overall aging trend of our population along with the desire to age-in-place. As such, the goal here is to place additional focus on senior living facilities and to encourage their expansion/development in East Peoria. In this new zoning classification, senior living facilities will be able to locate and expand by right and not have to go through the Special Use process. In addition, the City has seen sizeable growth of these facilities on the north side of the City – along Centennial. Now that the new fire station is fully operational, the City is able to provide the highest level of service to this area of the community. As the City moves forward with this new classification, staff will continue to look for other properties that the City is able to provide ample public services for these facilities to grow and thrive. Primarily, we are going to look for areas that are in proximity to our emergency response services and suitable infrastructure as well as mass transit and other supports desirable for senior development. At their meeting, the ZBA voted 5-0 to support the proposed code change.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4839 to be duly adopted as presented.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4843 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR SENIOR LIVING FACILITY PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA TO THE NEW R-5 SENIOR LIVING FACILITIES ZONING DISTRICT) be read at length by the Clerk, and that said Ordinance No. 4843 be accepted on its first reading, and be hereby adopted as presented.
The ordinance was read at length. Commissioner Hill commented on the properties that are being changed to the new R-5 zoning. A companion item to the proposed zoning classification of R-5, staff has identified seven senior developments within the City. These properties are to be rezoned to the new R-5 classification. Moving forward, staff will work with other property owners to determine appropriateness for this classification, as well. At their meeting, the ZBA voted 5-0 to support the proposed rezoning. The board also heard from some residents of these facilities who are supportive of changes that allow their facility to continue to provide senior services and hopefully spur new senior-focused development to provide a variety of living options for them.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4843 to be duly adopted as presented.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4838 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF EXCESS CITY PROPERTY AT 1654 MEADOW AVENUE IN EAST PEORIA) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Hill commented on the property that is being sold. The original offer for this property unfortunately fell through. However, the family of Angela Wienzierl has continued to express interest in this property. At one point, the family lived here and so they have a special connection to it. Her offer is $8,571 plus $1000 for closing costs, which is in excess of the appraised value of $7,000 (based upon just the bare land given the challenging condition of the home). The family is committed to rehabilitating the property and we look forward to their efforts.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 2425-111 by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 2425-111, hereto attached, a Resolution Accepting Bids for the 2025 Street Maintenance Program Projects Funded by Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the City of East Peoria, be approved. Mr. Mayor, I move you that this Resolution No. 2425-111 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Hill commented on the funds for streets from Motor Fuel Tax. There are four different elements of the street maintenance projects that is Seal Coating and Fog Coating for $430,241.93 from RA Cullinan & Sons; Heat Scarification for $384,722.94 from American Asphalt Recycling; Spray Patching for $84,058.00 from D&D Pavement Solutions, and Engineering and Materials Testing for $76,723.29 from Patrick Meyer & Associates. The bids came under the estimated costs.
Commissioner Sutherland explained that he thinks the city should hire an engineer. He commented on having to hire an engineer when he needs a water or wastewater Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permit for the city.
Mayor Kahl commented on the street maintenance engineering being a year by year basis. He explained that it would be a better rate if the contract for engineering services were done for longer than one year.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: Commissioner Sutherland.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 2425-115 by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 2425-115, hereto attached, a Resolution Accepting Bids for the 2025 Street Maintenance Program Projects Funded by General Funds for the City of East Peoria, be approved. Mr. Mayor, I move you that this Resolution No. 2425-115 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Hill explained that this resolution is for Non-MFT Funds or General Funds for street maintenance projects. He explained that this is for $1,999,001.64 expenses for Non-MFT or General Funds. He explained that it is $812,102.91 for Seal Coating and Fog Coating by R.A. Cullinan & Sons; $706,616.98 for Heat Scarification by American Asphalt Recycling; $152,600.00 for Spray Patching by D&D Pavement Solutions; $149,681.75 for Engineering by Patrick Meyer & Associates, and $178,000.00 for Contingency/Additional Work.
Commissioner Mingus commented on the engineering costs for the street maintenance projects and the EastSide Centre project.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: Commissioner Sutherland.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 2425-114 by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 2425-114, hereto attached, a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a 2024 Ford F-150 4x4 Crew Cab from Uftring Ford for the Street Department, be approved. Mr. Mayor, I move you that this Resolution No. 2425-114 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Hill explained that this is for the purchase of a new vehicle for the Street Department for use by the new Garbage and Recycling/Streets Supervisor.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 2425-110 by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 2425-110, hereto attached, a Resolution Accepting and Approving the Proposal from Midwest Public Safety for the Purchase of Ten (10) New GETAC Laptops for the City, be approved. Mr. Mayor, I move you that this Resolution No. 2425-110 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Hill explained that the City has older laptops that need to be replaced. This resolution for the purchase of replacement laptops in the amount of $37,500 from Midwest Public Safety.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4840 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT ELIGIBILITY STUDY AND THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROJECT FOR THE EAST PEORIA RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
He turned the discussion over to City Attorney Scott Brunton. City Attorney Brunton explained the timeline and process for the proposed new East Peoria Riverfront TIF District. In November 2024, the City initiated the process to create the new East Peoria Riverfront TIF District as a means to spur economic development in the area along the Illinois River that is northeast of Interstate 74 and northwest of Illinois Route 116 up to Access Road 4 off of Illinois Route 116. This process included preparing the Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan & Project for the new East Peoria Riverfront TIF District and placing this report on file with the City Clerk’s Office for public inspection. The Eligibility Study set forth the statutory blighting conditions that exist in this corridor of the City that hamper the ongoing economic development and improvement of the commercial and industrial properties in this corridor.
Also, by City Council action on November 19, 2024, the City Council set the date for a public hearing on the proposed new East Peoria Riverfront TIF District for Tuesday, February 4, 2025, while also setting the meeting of the Joint Review Board for Wednesday, December 11, 2024, to consider this proposed new TIF District. This City Council action on November 19th also established an “interested parties registry” whereby interested persons or entities had the opportunity to register and receive notices and documents regarding the steps being taken by the City to create the new East Peoria Riverfront TIF District. Thereafter, at the meeting on December 11th, the Joint Review Board reviewed and unanimously approved the City’s Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan & Project and the creation of the East Peoria Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area for the proposed new TIF District. Further, the City Council held the public hearing on February 4th to receive public comment on the proposed new TIF District redevelopment project area, receiving comments from the public in attendance at this public hearing.
After completing these procedural steps, the City is now able to proceed with adopting the necessary ordinances to approve the proposed East Peoria Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area and to establish tax increment financing for this designated East Peoria Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area, thereby creating this new TIF District. Accordingly, to accomplish setting up this East Peoria Riverfront TIF District, the City Council needs to consider and approve the following three ordinances which are now being presented for Council review and approval of Ordinances Numbered 4840, 4841, and 4842.
The City is looking to redevelop this certain area. He described the area of the Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area. This is the formal process for approving the TIF. The eligibility study was discussed. This ordinance approves the Tax Increment Financing District Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan & Project – East Peoria Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area. This Ordinance makes the necessary findings that the area within the proposed redevelopment project area meets the statutory requirements for a blighted area under the TIF Act, that this area has not experienced growth and development through private investment and is not expected to do so in the future but for the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan & Project, that the Redevelopment Plan & Project are consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan for this area of the City, and that the other statutory requirements under the TIF Act have been met. Accordingly, this Ordinance adopts and approves the Tax Increment Financing District Eligibility Study and Redevelopment Plan & Project for the proposed East Peoria Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area. It meets the requirements for the blighting characteristics, as well as a majority of the buildings are over 35 years in age, no residential properties in this area (if there were there would be other procedural steps). Essentially, there has been no growth or redevelopment that has occurred in several decades, which is why it is it has been targeted for this new TIF District. Also, except for this TIF district, the city does not anticipate redevelopment and infrastructure improvements. This is to assist the redevelopment and building infrastructure. This is the first three ordinances to establish the New East Peoria Riverfront TIF District. This approves the findings in the report that was put on file back in November 2025 and allows the City to take the next steps in the next two ordinances.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4841 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE EAST PEORIA RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
City Attorney Brunton discussed this second ordinance on the Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area designating the area that has been set aside. It establishes the redevelopment area for the TIF district. Upon approving the eligibility study and redevelopment plan and project for the proposed redevelopment project area, the TIF Act provides the City with the authority to officially designate a redevelopment project area. This Ordinance thereby approves the designation of the identified area as the “East Peoria Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area”.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4842 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FOR THE EAST PEORIA RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
City Attorney Brunton explained that this is the ordinance that establishes the Tax Increment Financing “TIF” portion of the TIF district. Upon approving the designation of a redevelopment project area, the TIF Act then provides the City with the authority to adopt tax increment financing for the designated redevelopment project area. Accordingly, this Ordinance adopts tax increment financing for the East Peoria Riverfront Redevelopment Project Area, thereby creating the East Peoria Riverfront TIF District. It allows the City to capture the incremental growth of the properties. This establishes the baseline of the value the City can recapture. It is the TIF financing structure.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 2425-112 by Commissioner Mingus, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 2425- 112, hereto attached, a Resolution Approving Purchase and Installation of Replacement of ESDA Tornado Siren Located at South Pleasant Hill Road Location, be approved. Mr. Mayor, I move you that this Resolution No. 2425-112 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Mingus explained that the resolution is for the purchase and installation of a tornado siren replacement at South Pleasant Hill Road. The emergency/tornado siren on South Pleasant Hill Road is slated to be replaced this spring. This was a budgeted item in the ESDA budget. These sirens typically have a life span of 20-25 years, and this siren has met that. The new siren should have a life span of 25 plus years. The total cost for the siren and installation is $69,452.60 by Ragan Communications.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 2425-113 by Commissioner Mingus, seconded by Commissioner Hill; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 2425-113, hereto attached, a Resolution Approving Purchase of Portable Fencing for EastSide Centre Softball and Baseball Fields, be approved. Mr. Mayor, I move you that this Resolution No. 2425-113 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Mingus explained that this resolution is for the purchase of 100 six by ten foot portable fence panels, foul poles, and other related equipment for EastSide Centre from Sportafence Holdings Inc. for $95,142.50. This has been part of the capital plan for EastSide Centre.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 2425-116 by Commissioner Mingus, seconded by Commissioner Hill; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 2425-116, hereto attached, a Resolution Accepting Lowest Responsible Bid and Approving Engineering Services Contract for Phase 2 of Eastside Centre Parking Lot Improvement Project, be approved. Mr. Mayor, I move you that this Resolution No. 2425-116 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Mingus explained that this resolution is for a complete mill and overlay for a portion of the EastSide Centre parking lot. It is for milling and overlaying going toward the stadium by Advanced Asphalt Co. The total cost is not to exceed $344,677.53 that includes the mill and overlay, 7% contingency, and engineering services.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: Commissioner Sutherland.
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried.
Mayor Kahl stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items not on the agenda to come to the podium state the matter or matters to be discussed. There was no response.
Mayor Kahl then asked for comments from Council.
Commissioner Sutherland commented on some properties needing house numbers. There may be programs that will put numbers on homes for those who cannot afford it. He discussed allowing backyard chickens in the city and whether there may need to be any changes to the rules regarding backyard chickens.
Mayor Kahl commented on backyard chickens being brought up several times. He feels that the pilot program was a healthy compromise, and he does not support any changes.
Mayor Kahl asked that Commissioner Sutherland contact the Director of Planning and Community Development, Ty Livingston, regarding any proposed changes that he may have. Mayor Kahl commented on a potential for a working session.
Commissioner Sutherland commented on IEPA rules to replace sewer explaining that they need to get an engineer’s signature that can take three to six months for approval. He explained that there are already setbacks. He does not know why we need to spend an additional 30% to take three to six months. Commissioner Sutherland explained that he is not giving up on trailer parks and term limits, explaining that he may bring up discussion on something that he does not support.
Commissioner Mingus commented on receiving an email regarding chickens. He feels that there are properties that are not in a conservation zoning, it may not be an issue to allow chickens, and he would be willing to look into it. He does not feel that chickens belong in neighborhoods.
Mayor Kahl explained that K-9 officer Taz passed away, and he expressed condolences to Officer Hutton and family that took care of Taz.
Motion by Commissioner Sutherland, seconded by Commissioner Mingus; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn until Tuesday evening, March 4, 2025 at 6:00 P.M.
Yeas: Commissioners Hill, Mingus, Sutherland, and Mayor Kahl.
Nays: None
Mayor Kahl declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:13 P.M.